November 16, 2016 – Plus Disruptive Evan Chase, Underdog Curse Dr. Don MacDonald & Curlee Girlee Atara Twersky

November 16, 2016 – Plus Disruptive Evan Chase, Underdog Curse Dr. Don MacDonald & Curlee Girlee Atara Twersky

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Evan Chase – Founder of Plus Disruptive 

Evan Chase is the CEO of Plus Disruptive which is a consulting and marketing services agency. He has worked with internationally-recognized talent such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sundance-winning filmmaker Ondi Timoner and Strengths Based Leadership author Barry Conchie. In addition to driving the success of Plus Disruptive, he works as a sales executive for which is the leading edge mobile engagement tool to create raving fans and interactive online courses. His sweet spot is helping startups and small to established entrepreneurs increase their impact and revenue through lead generation and social media promotion.

Evan ChaseEvan Chase

Dr. Don MacDonald – Owner of South Side Chiropractic, Coach, Speaker, and Author of The Underdog Curse

Dr. Don MacDonald at South Side Chiropractic in Edmonton, Alberta focuses on helping people optimize their health so they can achieve their talents, mission and destiny in life. Using state of the art technology they will assess the body to determine what is preventing the person from healing, or functioning at a high level. They also focus on decreasing the stress response. According to the AMA chronic stress is the cause of 60% of all disease which makes it vitally important to decrease the stress response so the body can heal optimally.
Dr. Donald MacDonaldDr. Donald MacDonald

Atara Twersky – Attorney and Author of Curlee Girlee

Atara Twersky is an attorney in NYC where she practices in the area of securities and class action litigation. Atara serves as the Director of Institutional Investor Services at her firm, where she advises public and private institutional investors throughout the world concerning shareholder rights under U.S. federal and state laws. Atara is also a mother of three young children and now an author of an adorable children’s book with the important message of creating confidence in young girls.

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