April 14, 2014 – Bass Awkward Steve Beecham & Pinterest Marketing w John Kremer

April 14, 2014 – Bass Awkward Steve Beecham & Pinterest Marketing w John Kremer

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Steve Beecham – Owner of Bass Awkward Business – Highlight Here

Steve Beecham started in the mortgage business, as Owner of Home Town Mortgage in north Atlanta. He learned quickly that his marketing techniques were different, but worked. Today, he is an author and speaker who shares his tricks for network selling. His techniques for helping succeed in business use better networking and learning to leverage social connections. As a mortgage business owner, Steve interviewed 100’s sales people and trained many of the best. From this, he saw the common elements of success. He will help increase sales by helping first. Great stuff.

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John Kremer – Ebook marketing, book marketing coach, Pinterest Speaker with millions of views, Author  of  1001 Ways to Market Your Books – Highlight Here

John Kremer wrote what may be the definitive book on marketing books! As an acknowledged expert on book publishing and marketing, he owns a publishing company (Open Horizons of Taos, New Mexico) and edits the ‘Book Marketing Tip of the Week’ newsletter. He has written a number of books on publishing and marketing, and his 1001 Ways is in its 6th Edition. John has been interviewed by or written about in Playboy, The New York Times, USA Today, Scientific American, and the Chicago Tribune. 

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