October 3, 2013 – Cloud Marketer Lydia Sugarman, Lendio’s Levi King & Crowdfund Marketer Johanna Calderon

October 3, 2013 – Cloud Marketer Lydia Sugarman, Lendio’s Levi King & Crowdfund Marketer Johanna Calderon

Broadcast October 3, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio

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Lydia Sugarman – Founder of Venntive.com

Lydia started a company in the cloud, and a very cool one at that! She is Founder and CEO of Venntive, a company providing SaaS cloud services to people seeking marketing assistance and tools through social media and other mediums. Venntive provides all the marketing support you will need as a small business in one easy-to-use platform. We are excited to talk about her company and the cloud industry as a whole. The cloud has always been a focal point of great debate. To some, they appreciate the cloud for all that it provides to small businesses through SaaS products and the like. In this sense, the cloud truly levels the playing field for small businesses seeking to elbow their way into traditional and emerging markets. Others view the cloud as an ominous thunderhead, threatening the security of data everywhere as massive amounts of data are now being stored. Make sure to check this one out! See more of her here….
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Levi King – Co-Founder of Lendio and Founder at Creditera

Finding a loan can be trying, to say the least. That is not even including finding the ‘right’ lender with the right terms. Lendio seeks to fix all of that, or at least vastly simplify it. It is a matchmaking service for lenders and borrowers that provides the tools to help streamline the process of finding a business loan. If you are not quite at the stage to need a loan, Lendio offers a wide range of resources to help you get to that point. We are excited to welcome Co-Founder of Lendio, Levi King, to talk about how to grow your business through marketing, strategy, and financing. Levi’s background is in angel investing, and he is also no stranger to building startups himself. He was an adviser and angel investor at ZINCH and his story of how he got started in it all is AMAZING!

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Johanna Calderon – Co-Founder of Crowdco.co

Johanna is Co-Founder of a crowdfunding help platform. They help projects get funded by designing the right marketing and PR strategies to achieve the client goals. Experienced in PR in the U.S., Europe, and Mexico, Johanna has the connections to help! CrowdCo specializes in helping startups and entrepreneurs get funding on sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Angelist. They have been responsible for executing successful Kickstarter strategies for Nomad Espresso Machine (127% funded), Orp Smart Horn (122% funded), AppTag Laser Blaster (185% funded), WineHive (435% funded) and Bird Photo Booth (121% funded), and Zyroshell (127% funded). Wow.


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