01 Jun June 1, 2017 – Human Instincts Kathy Kolbe, Volunteer Guru Marco Meister & JDoe’s Ryan Soscia
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Kathy Kolbe – Thought Leader and Best-selling Author of Business is Business: Reality Checks for Family-Owned Companies & Speaker
Kathy Kolbe is the global leader in discovering and accessing the power of human instincts. She’s done the brain research to prove the relevance of her Kolbe Theory of Conation to individual and organizational success. Kathy was the first person to connect conative behavior to instinctive drives, which she postulated as the source of the patterns of mental energy commonly known as a person’s MO. Kathy is an award-winning consultants and advisors to over 3,000 family-owned businesses, as well as to Fortune 50 companies. A prolific writer and bestselling author, Kolbe has over 120 printed works, and has written almost an equal amount for published software programs. She is an entrepreneur who founded and was the CEO of Kolbe Corp, a publishing and consulting company for 30 Years, and is now its Chairman and Chief Creative Officer. She’s an educator, who has taught preschool through university classes, lectured worldwide, and formed the not-for-profit Center for Conative Abilities to do research and develop educational programs. She has been an advisor to leaders in business, government, sports, religion, and education, and has spoken to a multitude of audiences around the globe in her effort to make a difference in the world. Kolbe has been called Maslow’s successor because of her work in showing how the three parts of the mind (cognitive, affective and conative) impact the creative problem solving process.
Marco Meister – President of Volunty
Marco is a hungry, obsessed & passionate millennial entrepreneur. He wants to break paradigms with ambitious entrepreneurship and social responsibility. His startup Volunty is an officially registered non-profit association in Zurich, Switzerland, offering a matching platform for educational institutions and charities to engage students in community service projects. Volunty seeks to increase students’ engagement in community service by providing a reward and incentive system. Students receive Volunty Points for each hour of service and can exchange them for meetings with inspiring personalities from society, politics, business, and sports. Volunty lives off of donations which are tax-deductible for the donor.
Ryan Soscia – Founder & CEO at JDoe
Ryan Soscia is dedicated to eradicating sexual assault in the United States. So he started JDoe. JDoe provides anonymous reporting for victims of sexual assault to stop repeat offenders. Another example of a millennial knocking it out of the park. In addition to being Founder & CEO of JDoe, Ryan has been a Special Projects Manager at The Team Group and Data Curation Assistant at the Neuroscience Information Framework.