11 Jun June 11, 2015 – Networking & Persuasion Expert Jason Treu & Product Creator Lynette Lovelace
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Jason Treu – Business Coach at BeExtraordinary, Networking & Persuasion Expert and Author of Social Wealth: How to Build Extraordinary Relationships By Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Lead and Network
Jason Treu is a business coach that specializes in social engineering (human behavior), networking, influence with vulnerability and persuasion through authenticity and truth. He works with executives, entrepreneurs and experts helping them get known, stand out, and build the key relationships to create the life they are passionate about. Jason also helps them understand their purpose and vision so they can take the next step in their business with certainty to create more success then they ever have before. He also is a speaker, frequent contributor in the media, and an author of two best selling books. He has a law degree, along with a master’s degree in communications and has been blessed to have thousands of extraordinary people in his life. While at HP, Jason won the Award for “Outstanding Employee.”
Lynette Lovelace – Creator & CEO at Lifetherapy
Lynette Lovelace’s mission is to encourage the lifestyle of a positive mind. With her brand, Lifetherapy, she created a collection of beauty and accessories that enhance your mood! The brand was born out of an incredibly challenging time that her family went through where she learned how vital positive thinking is. She says, “There is so much power in the senses and I want people to understand the correlation of using them in simple daily ways to choose your mood.” Combining her 19 years of retail experience and a passion for product development, lead her to develop her own lifestyle brand.