24 Sep September 24, 2020 – Pocket MBA – Instant Entrepreneur Harry Brelsford and Bullying Dr. Elizabeth Englander
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Harry Brelsford – Founder/CEO at SMB Nation and Author of The Pocket MBA
Cash is King. Stay in cash and just survive, but it is along
the lines of the last man standing. If you can just survive, if you
are the last man standing, you are going to be successful.
Harry M. Brelsford, Founder of SMB Nation, is a successful serial entrepreneur who started his first business in middle school. He has participated in over a dozen startups in a wide range of industries and is a long-time entrepreneur who has served customers and mentored others. Harry holds an MBA in Project Management from the University of Denver and is the author of 23 books on business and technology topics. His 20 years of small and medium business (SMB) business and technology experience were supplemented by teaching 12+ years at night as an adjunct professor at Seattle Pacific University and other higher-learning institutions. Harry is an in-demand speaker at industry events and has published over 400 articles in business and technology magazines. An active entrepreneur, he is the force behind the Pocket MBA, Telephonation, Cloud Nation, and XPmigrations.com. In his forthcoming book, The Pocket MBA – Instant Entrepreneur, Harry talks about his pain along the entrepreneurial pathway, followed by actionable guidance.
Dr. Elizabeth Englander – Professor and Director, Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University
If a child is struggling making friends, a pediatrician should get him
some help for that. Social skills can be learned and can be taught.
Dr. Elizabeth Kandel Englander is a Professor of Psychology and the Founder and Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. She is a nationally recognized researcher and expert in the area of bullying and cyberbullying, childhood causes of aggression and abuse, and children’s use of technology. Dr. Englander was named Most Valuable Educator of 2013 by the Boston Red Sox because of her work in technological aggression and how it interacts with peer abusiveness in general. She is the Chair of the Cyberbullying Workgroup for the Institute of Child Development and Digital Media, collaborating with the National Academy of Sciences’ Sackler Colloquium. Dr. Englander was the Special Editor for the Cyberbullying issue of the Journal of Social Sciences, and has authored about a hundred articles in academic journals and books. She is the author of Understanding Violence, a standard academic text in the field of child development and violent criminal behavior, and of Bullying and Cyberbullying, published by Harvard Education Press.