May 21, 2014 – Superpowered Ford Saeks & Divide It Up w David MacMahan

May 21, 2014 – Superpowered Ford Saeks & Divide It Up w David MacMahan

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Ford Saeks – Business Growth Specialist, Author of Superpower: How to Think, Act, and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results and Founder of Prime Concepts Group – Highlight Here

Ford Saeks first big success was the PedaStyle Bicycle Storage Systems that are sold by The Sharper Image, Herrington, Hold Everything, Sky Mall, Williams Sonoma, Sams, Wal-Mart, and Target. After selling this business, Ford focused on sharing his growth strategies with small businesses and Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Ford has successfully founded 17 companies, received three U.S. Patents, sold millions, serves on the board of the National Speakers Association. He is a best-selling author and helps all types and size business build better relationships as President and CEO of Prime Concepts Group.

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David MacMahan – CEO/FOunder of DivvyMaster and eCardGiftNotice  – Highlight Here

David MacMahan invented one of the top selling silly gift items of all time, The Revenger, a pretend rocket, grenade, and laser launcher to alleviate driver road rage. It sold millions of units! David has since started several start-ups. In 2000, he created a platform for online gift purchases with WebCam Gift Notices and printable eCardGiftNotices.  He is now working to create tools to help catalog and divide estates in situations of death, divorce and downsizing with The site provides online tools to ease the burden of estate and divorce divisions. 

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