17 Oct October 17, 2016 – How to be a Nomad Kim Orlesky & Disruptive Advertising Andrea Warner
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Kim Orlesky – Sales and Business Coach, Podcast Host and Author of How to Be a Nomad: Go from Business Suit to World Backpacker
Kim Orlesky was working for the national account team for American Express Canada selling enterprise payment solutions when she had a “moment.” After working for several years, building her career in corporate sales, she realized her happiness was tied to work. She decided it was time to live the dream. Within a matter of weeks, Kim sold her house, and went backpacking around the world – solo. She traveled to 17 countries across four continents over the course of 6 months. During that time, her daily blog increased in readership and was read 10,000 times. She celebrated that moment by converting that blog into a book, called “Finding (My)Self (Love): One Girl’s Journey Across 17 Countries Across 4 Continents in 6 Months.” Upon her return, she realized she found joy by inspiring others and helping people to overcome their limiting beliefs to achieve their dreams. She is now a writer for international publications such as GoodMenProject.com and Success.com. Kim was named one of Success Magazine’s Most Inspirational Bloggers of 2015 and featured in their January 2016 issue. In 2016, she will be a featured speaking events in Sydney and Calgary, and she just released her second book, “How To Be A Nomad: Go From Business Suit to World Backpacker.”
Andrea Warner – CMO – Global Digital Marketing Professional at Disruptive Advertising, Content & Conversion Optimization and Social Advertising
Andrea Warner is the premier journalists reporting on the conversion testing industry since 2009. A renowned business coach, Andrea has a Master’s Degree in Education. She has a gift for making complicated concepts easy to comprehend. After spending eight years helping online marketers with their businesses, she believes the answer to almost every online business question is “Outsource”, “Test”, or “Target”. This has led to a career in conversion optimization. Andrea takes great pleasure in connecting people that should know each other, and in bringing high-quality content to the community. Andrea lives for conversion optimization, swoons over behavioral psychology, and adores her 5 teenagers.