10 Dec December 12, 2012 – Jim Ross is the REAL Dr. Rudy Wells
Posted at 02:08h
in Business Radio X
Guest: Dr. Jim Ross, CTO Axion Biosystems
One of my favorite TV shows was The Six Million Dollar Man, just loved it. On the show of course, Lee Majors is rebuilt by Dr. Rudy Wells, the super scientist that spends the $6 million. Today, I interviewed the real guy that is working to integrate the human brain with electronics. His latest product allows a dish of your cells to be integrated with electronic chips for testing. Or something like that. Way past rocket science here, brain science.
Jim Ross is a great guy, so humble for someone that does what he does. In this interview, learn:
- where Jim raised the cash to start,
- being called an entrepreneur for the first time
- how he found a world class CEO, Tom O’Brien,
- his thoughts on stem cells (and God),
- the future of bio-science,
- the role of Atlanta in bio-science,
- winning a Business Person of the Year Award,
- winning the Noble Prize one day,
- and lots more.
Great stuff. Enjoy the listen.