03 Jan January 3, 2017 – Customer Service Strategies Lisbeth Calandrino & Ultimate Labs Kim Lim
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Lisbeth Calandrino – Keynote Speaker, President of Lisbeth Calandrino and Author of Red Hot Customer Service: 35 Sizzling Ways to Heat Up Your Business and Ignite Your Sales
As owner of her own firm, Lisbeth Calandrino works with companies to motivate their employees to expand their horizons and maximize their potential. Her inspirational, humorous and high-energy approach to training makes her one of the most in-demand business management consultants in industries ranging from independent flooring retail stores to Fortune 500 corporations. Similarly, her experience as a trainer and motivator, and because she also is a former principal for a chain of carpet and home furnishing stores, Lisbeth has made her a highly sought-after speaker for industry events and seminars. She also does commercial voice-overs and has written and directed specialized training films.
Kim Lim – CEO of Ultimate Labs and Author of Inoculate Your Biotech: Protecting and Boosting Your Product-to-Market Process
Kim Lim loves working with people to help solve their problem. Originally from Boston, she brought her east coast pace and ambition to sunny San Diego’s biotech industry. Armed with a background in Bioengineering and Operations Management, she have been determined to make a difference in the healthcare industry. After a long stent in validation consulting, she was challenged to “do something about” the lab service segment in San Diego. Ultimate Labs started in 2008 and now services, not only San Diego, but also clients across the US, who have Quality Control needs with a team of seasoned biotech experts and new generation of scientists entering the exciting field!