August 26, 2013 – All American BJ Nickol & Find the Way John Whiteman

August 26, 2013 – All American BJ Nickol & Find the Way John Whiteman

Broadcast August 26, 2013 on Liberty Express Radio

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BJ Nickol – President of All American Clothing

In 2002, Lawson Nickol was sales manager for a USA jeans manufacturer, and he believed he was doing the right thing by selling a product that was 100% American. One evening while shopping, he discovered his company’s label on a pair of imported jeans!  With a frantic and disappointing call to headquarters, he learned the truth. So he decided to start his own company, and that was the beginning of All American Clothing Co. The first several years were tough, they survived on family savings, taking big risks and working long hours. Today, All American Clothing Co. produces thousands of jeans per year and continues to provide many Americans with jobs! His son, BJ, is with us today to tell this inspirational story. See their company success formula below….


John Whiteman – Author of The Way: Consciously Create a Life That Flows and 9 Days to Feel Fantastic: How to Create Happiness from the Inside Out and an Inspirational Speaker

John is an author, speaker, leadership mentor and entrepreneur. His work is about getting both life and business to flow and when that happens, everything is magical and there is no better feeling. Sort of like being in the Zone, I guess. His newest book is ‘The Way’ – Consciously Create a Life That Flows (Hay House: January 2014).


The All America Clothing Company Success Formula (copied with permission).

  1. Employees. We create an environment that encourages creativity, passion and pride to be part of a USA company.
  2. We encourage employees to take risks. Our motto, “Make Something Happen Today, Every Day” includes suggesting ideas, getting outside of the box to save a customer or gain a new customer.
  3. World Class Service: whether the customer is right or wrong we strive to exceed customer expectations and provide them with nothing less than world class service!
  4. We accept nothing less than exceptional product quality.
  5. We send the message to employees and patrons that as USA Made entrepreneurs “it is not all about money”. It is about standards of living, education, global security, employee’s jobs, well being of families and the future of new generations. It is also about helping our neighbor and the truly needy.
  6. Be unique. Do something different from the rest of the crowd.  It is not our goal to compete against the company down the street or across the border.
  7. Listen to the patrons who want/need to talk. It is their country and we are one of their heroes.  We support the Made in USA principles and USA citizenship.
  8. Listen to employees. Listening to ideas and/or complaints is extremely important. The company is a large part of their life. They want/need to be a part of the company and its success in goodwill, job creation, job satisfaction and positive attitudes.
  9. Make it and buy it in the United States of America.  

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