December 20, 2016 – $300 to $30k Joe Kashurba & Top 5 AI Trends John Schneider

December 20, 2016 – $300 to $30k Joe Kashurba & Top 5 AI Trends John Schneider

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Joe Kashurba – Professional Web Designer and Founder of Agency Accelerator 

Joe Kashurba is a successful entrepreneur who grew the freelance web design business that he started in high school into a digital agency with clients around the world. Joe and his team have worked with clients ranging from tech startups to some of the largest manufacturing and construction companies. Joe has over a decade of experience in the web design and digital marketing space. He has personally sold and built hundreds of websites, and he has managed 6-figure advertising budgets for high-end digital marketing clients. Joe graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Information Science and a minor in Computer Science.
Joe Kashurba


John Schneider – Artificial Intelligence Guru and Vice President of Product Marketing at Jive Software

John Schneider has been a Digital Marketer and has 15+ years of strategic planning, demand generation, lead nurturing, branding, e-commerce, and customer lifecycle planning experience in enterprise software products and services. He possesses a unique background with deep skills in using strategic management tools for complex consulting engagements developed over 10+ years consulting and 7+ years of part-time teaching competitive strategy at Santa Clara University to MBAs and undergraduates. He is an artificial intelligence guru and shares with us the top trends in AI.
Jive SoftwareJive Software

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