06 Mar March 7, 2019 – A.L.P.H.A. Way Rocco Cozza, Facing Fear Donny Hamilton and Spiritual Adrenaline Tom Shanahan
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Rocco Cozza – Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Speaker and Author of The A.L.P.H.A. Way: Five Keys to Unlocking Your Greatness and Living Your Best Life – Read interview highlights here.
Many people think they are working hard, but they are not.
They are just busy. If you want your dream life, it’s not easy.
Rocco Cozza is an entrepreneur, lawyer, talent manager, motivational speaker, investor, and coach. He is on a mission to inspire others to live their best lives and unlock what they have inside. Over his career, he has co-founded, owned, and operated multiple companies in a variety of industries from real estate to brick and mortar retail to healthcare. Rocco is also the founder of the Law Office of Rocco E. Cozza and CEO of The Cozza Company, a talent and business management firm working with entertainers and athletes to help manage their careers and revenue generating opportunities. By simply understanding and applying the keys outlined in ‘The A.L.P.H.A. Way,’ you can transform your life into what you have always wanted it to be.
Donny Hamilton – Entrepreneur, COO of Vigilant Tiger Security and Author of A Tiger’s Fury: How to Start Overcoming Your Fears Right Now
Just do it, just go for it. That’s how you relinquish fear.
You beat fear by doing it.
Donny Hamilton grew up in an environment surrounded by drugs, biker gangs, alcoholics and hardened criminals. He was a troubled youth being groomed for a life of crime. However, his life changed when he joined the Army after high school and developed three survival skills that made him a better man and helped him conquer fear – resilience, perseverance, and confidence. Donny Hamilton is the author of ‘A Tiger’s Fury: How to Start Overcoming Your Fears Right Now,’ an international best-selling book in four categories including motivational and self-help in eight countries. Hamilton is a motivator who can help others. He knows firsthand how to overcome your fears, visualize and remain focused on success, lead with your heart and let nothing stop you from your dreams. Hamilton is also a successful entrepreneur and COO of Vigilant Tiger Security, a veteran-founded security business.
Tom Shanahan – Personal Trainer and Author of Spiritual Adrenaline: A Lifestyle Plan to Nourish and Strengthen Your Recovery
Tom Shanahan is a personal trainer, weight management and sports nutrition consultant with certifications from the American Aerobics Association International and the International Sports Medicine Association. He is also certified as a health coach by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York and as a meeting facilitator for Yoga of Twelve-Step Recovery (Y12SR). For the last two decades, Tom has served in government as well as a private sector attorney specializing in civil rights litigation, serving as an advisor to New York City Mayor David N. Dinkins, Public Advocate Mark Green, and as a high-level policy advisor to two New York State Governors. As an attorney, Tom was among the early pioneers to litigate transgender rights cases. He was the first to take a transgender civil rights case to a successful jury verdict in federal court. He has been an outspoken advocate for the rights of parents in custody litigation and has specialized in working with victims of domestic violence involved in custody litigation. He has numerous precedent setting cases in the areas of LGBT rights, child custody and public policy. In addition to his client work, Tom organizes a pro bono community legal clinic to provide free legal services to the residents of the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood in Manhattan.
Rocco Cozza Highlights
The name of the book is The ALPHA Way. ALPHA, we’re going to go through the acronym, the five keys to unlocking your greatness and living your best life.
ALPHA stands for my five principles. I believe that once someone understands and implements them in their life, that’s how they live their best life. It for attitude, leadership, passion, hard work, and accountability.
I talked about attitude first because I truly believe it’s the most important thing you know everything starts in your head and we have the ability every single day when we wake up to choose how we want that day to be. Obviously I have bad days. There are days where I’m stressed, there are days I am upset about something. I talk in the book, not about you don’t have to have the perfect positive attitude 100% of the time, the goal was to maintain a positive attitude a majority of the time.
You have to say, I’m gonna wake up, I can either be happy, or I could be miserable. This is a choice, right?
I remember being a teenager and having no clue what the world was like. They just start putting things into perspective. We also are you healthy? Do you have a home to live in, like these little thing like the attitude of gratitude. Sometimes it’s as simple as that. Taking that step back and having that kid look around and say, there’s kids in a lot worse position. And, you know, you have all this stuff, you have the ability, you have the means to do these things. Sometimes you just have to appreciate what you have. And that’s where I think it really takes it get into the mindset of that adolescent.
I believe the best leaders are the ones that they don’t rule with an iron fist. They know that they encourage people to take chances to take risks, that they set a clear vision for an organization of family, whatever the case may be, they have to have clarity. They have to have courage and they have to be empowering to the people around them to allow those people to become the best versions of themselves. I always say the best leaders surround themselves with better people
We’ve been through the first two keys the attitude and the leadership. Number three is passion.
You know, you don’t necessarily have to have a job that you’re extremely passionate about. Let’s talk about passion.
The book is about having a passion and purpose in life. You know, if you don’t live passionately, it’s hard to really live that best life. I’ve had jobs where I wasn’t passionate about, everybody does, but as an entrepreneur and talking all entrepreneurs, I think the fact that they take that jump and do that thing is a passion for entrepreneurship. If you’re not passionate about entrepreneurship, it’s a very hard endeavor.
So I think you have to have some level of passion for just the process. For ultra successful person, there’s some level of passion they exude in everything they do.
You have to find it. You have to go on that journey of self discovery. I believe that when you tap into your creative self, that’s how you find things you’re passionate about. When I work with clients from a business coaching perspective, they were kind of in that same ballpark. You know they were stuck.
It takes a lot of work. I believe there’s no real true balance in life. As an entrepreneur, you’re always out of balance, but you got to understand how hard it is and be willing to put in the work.
Let’s go on to number five. The accountability. You have to be accountable to someone or something, a bigger purpose, your family, you know, a business partner. If there’s no consequences to your actions, or you say, ‘Hey, I’m going to do this. I’m going to start this business, but you’re not accountable to anyone.’ If it doesn’t work, you don’t try as hard. So that’s why I always believe in working with coaches, advisors, mentors, accountability partners, having someone that you’re committing something to when you start doing this.
You tend to accomplish goals quicker, get to where you want to go a lot faster, because now you don’t want to let someone else down. We’re always letting ourselves that we have that tendency, you know, it doesn’t doesn’t matter. But when you commit to someone else, it takes on a bigger purpose.
I want you to hold me accountable. And I want you six months from now to say, ‘Hey, did you get it done?’
You are the average of your five closest friends and I find there’s not a more true statement. I look at my entire life. My core best friends have always been the same. But that next level of association has shifted over the years as I’ve developed in my career and grown as a person, you start to realize what relationships make sense to investing in which ones don’t because you want to keep getting better and allow the other people around you to do the same. People get caught up in their same circles. You know, I look at friends from high school, they’re still hanging around with the same people from high school and nothing in their life has changed.