17 Aug August 17, 2015 – Vice Prez Candidate Wayne Allyn Root, Tech Support Mike Russell & Co-worker Rebecca Brian Pan
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Wayne Allyn Root – Capitalist Evangelist, Vice Prez Candidate and Author of The Power of Relentless: 7 Secrets to Achieving Mega-Success, Financial Freedom, and the Life of Your Dreams
Wayne Root was the 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee and a college classmate of Barack Obama at Columbia University. He is now one of the main representatives of the Libertarian-conservative politics in the mainstream national media. The media calls him “the Anti-Obama.” He calls himself a Reagan Libertarian, modeled after his heroes Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater and Thomas Jefferson. Wayne is a CEO, serial entrepreneur and small businessman extraordinaire. The media calls him the “Capitalist Evangelist” and “Mr. Relentless.” He is a regular guest on many of the biggest television and radio networks in America including Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, CNBC, and radio shows like Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Mancow Muller. His political and business careers have been profiled by CNBC, CNN/Money, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME magazine, Newsweek, Fortune, Equities, The Financial Times, Millionaire, Success, Entrepreneur, Worth, and The Robb Report.
Mike Russell – Cloud Guru and Owner of ETS Solutions
Mike Russell runs ETS Solutions, a company designed to help you save money! As your trusted technology advisor, he believes in taking a holistic approach to reviewing a company’s technology pain points by identifying the pain point and solving it. By looking at carrier charges, the need for a disaster recovery/backup technology, slow internet, poor phone service, or outdated phone hardware, they put together a technology solution using their relationships with over 60 voice/data carriers, cloud companies, and IT business partners. They then manage the entire process for their client and act as customer service for any and all issues. Mike is very active in the community, serving on the Advisory Board Member of Kennesaw State University Coles College of Business and the Chair of the Small Business Advisory Committee of the Metro Atlanta Chamber. He won the 360 National Award from Channel Partners, the Best Places To Work Award from Atlanta Business Chronicle, and was a Top 5 Small Business Person of the Year for 2009 & 2012 from the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. And he can save you money!
Rebecca Brian Pan – CEO and Founder at Covo
Rebecca Pan is a serial-entrepreneur. She started her career running several award-winning creative graphic design agencies, focusing on hospitality & professional service clients. Today, she is launching Covo, a complete ecosystem for today’s workforce. Think the Google campus for everyone. Covo offers world-class leadership in co-working space. You can live, work, eat, drink, exercise, and relax all in one space! Their first location is scheduled to open in early 2016 in San Francisco. Covo is a complete ecosystem for the mobile workforce. She also co-founded and scaled NextSpace, a globally recognized industry leader. NextSpace has nine collaborative workspaces in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Chicago.